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Warzone Features (OLD)

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326 results found

  1. A Global Map for the Clanwars

    No need to invent the universe guys. . World of tanks has a great idea of clanwars. There is a global map with teritories that give something every turn. It can be clan points or a currency in warlight or something. The general idea is clans can fight for teritories and each territory is on a diferent map. The way the clanwars it's self works can be like a mini tourment or each team can have up to 10 players and they can send 1 player to face the other teams's player. Kind of like how starcraft team tournaments…

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  2. Team chat in Diplo maps

    I hope there was a feature in diplo maps where I could add people to a team chat in alliances.

    Communication in large alliances becomes too tedious after a while.

    The feature could work like a request feature. Anyone can send requests to others to be part of an alliance. The user will have to accept the request to be part of the team chat.

    In the team chat, the creator of the alliance could remove users and the users can leave at their own will.

    The creator of the map could also limit the number of people in an…

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  3. Kill the "Never boot" option and set a maximum boot time

    It's useless; if you want a nice slow game with friends, you can as well set 1 minute boot time (they're your friends, right?), if you want nice slow game with random people, you actually need a way to move it forward if one of them stops responding.

    This should be applied retroactively to all existing "Never" games.

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  4. Change color on first turn

    In games with large numbers of players it's often the case that colors become confusing. Having the ability to change your color on the first turn would help better identify your territories on the map.

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  5. Allow users to set up open games for clan members only.

    I would like to have a game open for JUST my clan to join.. whomever may be online at the time. If i post it to the open games tab, just anyone may join (which i don't want). Since we CANT SEE WHO IS ONLINE this would give a way to have just who you want allowed in the game to see or join it. .

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  6. Able to see tournaments on mobile apps

    A lot of the time, I check my Warlight on my phone. But on the mobile Warlight, you can't look at or join tournaments. Please add this feature, it would be very helpful.

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  7. Improved Membership Benefits

    There must be an incentive to purchase membership, especially for those of a level in which everything fundamental is unlocked. The majority of current memberships I see are attached to those who would have full access anyway so really don't benefit from it, bar some extra vacations and a few ads removed. There must be features that cannot be unlocked by levelling up - This is the critical part.

    I suggest maybe implementation of a membership only ladder (potentially just starting with a 1v1) - Membership only Tournaments, free name changes - anything that makes paying and supporting warlight mutually…

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  8. sort/filter community level

    There are new single player levels everyday. A filter and sort system, like the one for warlight maps would be very useful to find fun and enjoyable levels.
    Especially a simple information value next to the map, that shows the ratio of wins per attempts would be great. a very easy way to estimate the level difficulty.

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  9. Music

    When I play "fast" game and i wait on other players, i I'm getting bored. Why in Warlight is'nt music? Music should improve the game ;) This will be perfect :

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  10. Volume control slider

    When playing and doing some other things in another tab (for exemple videos from youtube), that beep is annoying but usefull, so volume slider (under "sound: on/off" button) would be great solution for that. thanks...

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  11. More support for Diplomacy games

    The Idea is that You would be able to create Alliances officially and Create NAPs, It would also require to declare war, These features would be accessible by clicking on the player you wish to interact with, And then requesting for an alliance, This player would be then alerted that someone has requested with you, Then the other player could either accept or decline. This would also reduce trolls in Diplos and RP games, and make it harder to become a Public Enemy

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    I’m pleased to announce that peace treaties / diplomacy games can now be played using the new mod framework!

    Check out the mod “Advanced Diplo v2”, which has a war/peace/allies system, and a lot of other neat features that work with this!

  12. Create a clan warfare system

    Right now, there's no way clans are able to officially compete against one another, leading to a trend in "clan warfare" that involves just hijacking and destroying other people's clans through vulnerabilites in the manager system.

    Instead, it'd be great to be able to either track the win rate (in all non-FFA ranked or 1v1 ranked games) of one clan against others (maybe a page where it can say "Clan A members have won 53% of games against members of Clan B"). This could be as simple as incrementing three counters when both players of a ranked game- one that…

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  13. Diplomacy scenario

    Maybe you saw docens of "Diplo" suggestions Fizzer but why not check one?

    Some simple diplomacy settings.

    Diplomacy mode: unlock Declare button and Diplomacy button

    Declare button:
    declare War, Truce, or Alliance
    - declare War for unlock attack possibility against one with optional 0-1-2 turns delay, declare war is public in chat and Diplomacy tab
    - declare Truce for end war status, declare truce is private in pm, if the opponent accept the truce is public in chat and Diplomacy tab, if the opponent refuse war status remain in public
    - declare Alliance to create teams, alliance is public in…

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    I’m pleased to announce that peace treaties / diplomacy games can now be played using the new mod framework!

    Check out the mod “Advanced Diplo v2”, which has a war/peace/allies system, and a lot of other neat features that work with this!

  14. Clan PM system

    so basically when u want urgent news to be spread to all your clan members u can just click messages and send clan message and type ur notice. then all the members in the clan will receive this message.

    this could be limited to once a day or such to prevent spamming

    (its used in other games with clan systems to great effect)

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  15. Make 1 army left behind a highlighted setting

    When this it turned off, it should be a highlighted setting. Or alternatively, allow the user to select which way they want it highlighted.

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  16. Display Match Rating in CW Games

    Please display the Clan War Rating in the Game Settings Tab, and also the Change in CWR for that game in the Game Summary tab.

    This would be similar to QuickMatch. The inclusion of this information will give important information to the game's participants, and improve game play. See additional information in this Forum:

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  17. Allow a "Show-All" visual -like that seen during the game - during History Review

    Right now, you have to scroll through every move or just get a gross overview of the before/after turn by turn. A Show all would be a visual of what happened during that turn

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    completed  ·  DanWL responded

    A show all button has now been added to the history!

  18. A View, how enemies see you.

    You can choose an enemy and see from his perception. This is often good to see, because sometimes there are neighbour countries that you have overlooked.

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    completed  ·  DanWL responded

    Was implemented about 2 years after the suggestion was first made. Use the History > Switch Perspective feature

  19. real-time tournament open game advertising

    as described in forum:

    Advertising real-time tournaments in open game tab

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  20. Clan Invites

    People are getting tired of receiving countless spam Clan Invites. Since clans that spam this invites are disliked, but perfectly within the rules of the game, I have some filter proposals:

    All players that are within a clan CAN NOT be invited to a clan! If a player wishes to join a different clan he must first leave his clan and then receive his clan invite.

    This is quite simple, and I seriously doubt anyone would oppose this.

    Players that are on your Blacklist CAN NOT send you a Clan Invite.

    This is just common sense. ^^

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