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Warzone Features (OLD)

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1273 results found

  1. The release card - allows new players to join mid-game

    The release card would allow a player to use any quantity of their own territories to invite a new specific player, an open seat or an AI mid-game. The card would “unplay” itself if the open seat or the specific player doesn’t accept by the time the boot timer is passed. This would be great for the diplo community. The player limit will of course still be held.

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  2. Allow teams to receive armies when the team collectively controls a bonus

    When a bonus is occupied by two or more teammates, the armies assigned to that bonus should be distributed to all of the teammates accordingly, instead of one teammate having to control the entire bonus.

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    Hi all,

    I can certainly see the appeal of this, as it makes it easier for teams to take over lands without communicating. But honestly, team communication is a big part of the game, and I don’t like the idea of lessening it.

    This also presents problems with how to divy up the income. There are edge cases where no single answer is fair. It also causes issues with local deployment and other features, and just generally increases the complexity of team games as it’s one more thing new players have to learn about before they can compete.

    Due to all of these reasons combined, it’s unlikely this featue will ever be added to WarLight. But we appreciate the suggestion!

  3. Windows Phone Client

    Allow WarLight to be played from Windows Phone devices.

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  4. Teammate takes over for booted/surrendered player

    The booted/surrendered players army will not being combined into teammate's army, but will be controlled separately by the teammate. Player will have to execute moves for two armies in the allowed time.

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  5. Anonymous Games

    This is a game/setting in which the participants are not known until the game ends. The purpose of this is to protect the integrity and competitiveness of games as it is a tendency for emotion to ruin games based on past games and grudges that could have been formed. By hiding the player names and randomizing the colors fairness can be ensured, which helps to make maintain the integrity and competitiveness of each individual games.

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    Hi all,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I can see the appeal of this, since some people feel targeted. As the creator of the game, I feel this too. Since people love to say that they beat up the creator, I tend to get targeted in FFAs more than average.

    Despite that, it’s a feature that’s unlikely to be added to WarLight. First, WarLight’s code wasn’t built with this in mind, so the name and ID of every player is used throughout the code and trying to modify it to be anonymous would be a very large project. Second, even if it was easy to add, this also diminishes the community a bit since every time it’s used, as it makes it harder to develop friendships when you’re anonymous and hides clan tags and such.

  6. Add a "friends list" subset to the invite list

    After playing many games here, the invite list gets cumbersome. It would be nice to have a smaller list for people I really enjoyed playing with.

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  7. Bring the old 1vs1 ladder back!

    Bring weighted rounding mode and random move order back. Map: Medium Earth

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    I understand this is a heated issue and many of you are very attached to randomness in your WarLight games However, since WarLight has randomness turned off by default, it doesn’t make sense to have randomness enabled in the 1v1 ladder. If you love the old settings, I encourage you to continue using them in your own games, tournaments, and CLOTs.

  8. Overhall of Clan System

    Make clans more fun!

    1. Allow name changes.
    2. Have clan levels. Based on the same things as normal levels, but maybe times them by ten or something? Make it one coin for level one, 1+2 coins to level two (and so on) for the founder, and some other kind of reward for the average member.
    3. Allow splits of manager rights:


    For the founder only, cannot be booted. Can do everything that current people can do, and cannot be booted ever, by anyone.


    Same as current manager rights.


    Can only recruit and change tags.

    Vote for…

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  9. Include a Blacklist Percentage

    Include as part of every person's profile the percentage of the entire warlight membership who has blacklisted that player. The idea is to give a measure "across the membership" of a particular player's blacklist-worthiness.

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    Thanks for the suggestion, but I don’t think this would be a good thing for the site as a whole.

    Blacklisting is a very personal thing and people do it for a variety of reasons. Blacklisting can be a way of saying “I don’t want to play with you” or “I want to be notified when I’m about to play with you”. Some people do this for reasons you may not expect, such as if a player is very good and they want to avoid playing them.

    For a feature like blacklist percentage to work, the reasons for blacklisting would have to be standardized and enforced, which isn’t going to happen. Otherwise good and well-meaning people would find themselves the victim of a feature like this, and that should never happen.

  10. Vacations by number of days instead of number of vacations

    In the current system, a maximum of 5 vacations are allowed; whilst this is, of course, better than none - it DOES lead to unfairness and difficulties.

    For example, under the current system one person could get 50 days of vacation (using the maximum) whereas another (using the minimum lengths) could only get 5. Furthermore, if someone is away often for say, 3 days, they are at a disadvantage compared to someone who is away rarely but for a while.

    So, I propose the following: instead of a maximum NUMBER of vacations, I propose a cap on the number of…

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  11. Allow game host to remove players who have joined the game

    Allow game host to remove any player, including those who already joined before game starts.

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    You need to clarify if you’re talking about someone you invited, or someone who joined an open seat.

    If you’re talking about someone you invited, I would want more information about the reasons why you’d want to change your mind and remove them.

    If you’re talking about open seats, then this is better accomplished by using prerequisites. The reason is because it’s a very bad experience for the person joining. Imagine the extreme example: you’re browsing for a game to join, find one, join it, and are kicked out. OK, you go find another game, join it, and are kicked out. Repeat over and over.

    That’s a really bad experience, especially for newbies (who would be more likely to be kicked since many experienced players don’t want to play with newbies.) We need newbies to have a good experience to help grow the game.

    It’s a much better experience for…

  12. One-way connections

    I'd like to be able to design a map with the possibility of one-way connections between territories (e.g. Territory A can attack Territory B, but Territory B can't attack Territory A). I've modelled maps on a chess game and a transport system, and both have connections like this which I could't recreate. I think it would open up another tactical level of play, and some interesting possibilities for future maps.

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  13. Bring back "Open Games" and "My Games".

    "The Dashboard is uselessly cluttered. I can't find anything there. My Games was clear and straightforward. Usable."

    Or at least... Decorate the Dashboard to meet the needs of players that play Warlight. There has to be a compromise.

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    I understand change is hard, but WarLight can’t stay on Flash forever. The old My Games and Open Games pages were written in Flash, and long term WarLight is moving away from Flash, one page at a time. As such, these pages were re-written as html pages. We want to move forward, not back, so the Flash pages won’t be coming back. We do plan to re-evaluate the usability of the new pages, and will continue to make improvements. I appreciate the feedback about it.

  14. Randomize Teams in a Tournament

    With a group of friends who play tournaments among themselves, it would be great to allow everyone to join the tournament and then randomly put everyone into teams.

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  15. Name changes every 20 days

    Right now you only get to change your name every 5 levels, for those in high levels this may mean that you only get a name change once a year or so.

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    This is by design, as players who are well known within the community should be changing their name very rarely.

    Name changes disrupt the community and make it hard to keep track of who is who. It’s not a big deal for a low level player who nobody knows to change their name, but name changes should become less and less frequent as players become more well known, and the current system reflects that.

    Changing your name should be a big deal, much like it is in real life, not something you do frequently or on a whim.

  16. Airstrike Card

    Similar to the Airlift card, the Airstrike card allows a player to attack (not transfer) troops against a neutral or enemy territory.

    The card increases the difficulty of a game by a large margin, as attack can come from anywhere at any time (though a variation might allow only attacks on visible territories, but that's hardly as fun)

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    Honestly I’m not a big fan of this idea.

    Think about it from a defender’s standpoint: How do you defend against an opponent who is using an airstrike card against you? They can attack any territory, so you have no idea what to defend. You could try to defend every territory evenly, but that would be sure to lose since the attacker will make a large stack before attacking.

    The presence of the card reduces the value of chokepoints, since they can always be jumped over.

    The card simply does not seem interesting from a strategic perspective and I think overall it decreases the strategy of the game. But I appreciate the suggestion!

  17. Upgrade Mail System

    Add the following functions:

    Renaming mail
    Adding/removing users from a mail chain
    Deleting mail from your inbox
    Searching mail
    Sorting mail (promoting/starring/etc)

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  18. "Clan Tab" in the "Select Players" and "Add or Remove Players" menus

    To create internal clan games, it would be easier if you could directly invite your clan members in the invitation menus.

    If you're in a bigger clan and you don't want to add all 100 members to your friends list, you have to invite every single players laboriously by using the "search" tab. A new invitation tab which shows only your clan members, similar to the friends tab, but maybe with filter options like "rank" or "level" would be the ideal solution.

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  19. Triggers for custom scenarios

    Triggers for custom scenarios allow creators of scenarios to implement some basic triggers.

    For example:

    for an event (player captures region, number of turn, each second turn, ...)

    under the condition (player is alive and playing, number of armies controlled by player is smaller/bigger, ...)

    make an action(player gets bonus armies next turn, territory changes owner, player wins game, ....)

    This would be an really great feature for custom scenarios and RPG maps. I would just like to know if it would be possible and if you would think about implementing it.

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  20. 110 votes

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    Ultimately WarLight is designed to be a simple game, and I fear that this option would add too much complexity for the value it gives. Thanks for the suggestion, but it’s highly unlikely this will ever be added to WarLight.

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