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Warzone Features

Welcome! This forum tracks Warzone feature requets to the Warzone creator. You can vote on the features you’d most like to see in the game.

868 results found

  1. Display players level when hovering their little colored square icons in the dashboard.

    So instead of simply seeing "TheHappyHippo", you'd get something like : "TheHappyHippo / L22"

    This would help when trying to get into a game with people that aren't too strong or too weak for you.

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  2. Watch or view your friends in a game

    As Warzone only has a maximum of quads if we have 5 of us online we usually take in turns!

    It would be a great idea if you could accept people or friends to view your game and be in on the game chat too!

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  4. Acutal active tournament

    Would be cool to have a filter in the tournament list to actually see the ones you are still playing on

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  5. 40-player coin games

    A coin tournament/games pitting 40 players

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  6. Special Game Master Setup

    I'd love a special game setup where there is a Game Master involved. The Game Master does not have any armies of their own, but can see through fog, can bestow cards, can edit numbers of armies, and can view all chats--including team and private chats.

    I'm a history teacher, and would love to use Warzone with some of my students for a number of reasons. Letting them simply play the game would work well, but I'd love to be able to reward them for real-world work with in-game benefits as they play a game over the course of a…

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  7. WarZone:Idle - Dig Site

    Have clarification on "dig sites" - if you do not have the money to afford a dig, and you "cancel" it - does the option come up again once enough funds are accrued. Simply add with the listing of the cost "this option is available when you have funds" or "only available now." - AND how do you go back to it IF it does become avaioalble again?

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  8. Pin and Hide games

    The ability to pin vertain games, so that you wont have to go all the way back to find the game you’re looking for. As well as hide games you’re no longer part of (booted/surrendered/eliminated).

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  9. A penalty for leaving match early

    When you join duo,trio and quads people just quit and it puts you at a disadvantage. Other games such as Rocket league have a penalty for this. Give the option for vote to forfit and if they quit before give a 20 min penalty

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  10. Map rotation

    The idea itself is straightforward, make the maps rotatable. Consider the various perspectives and conclusions one can make from Cold War maps that turn the traditional projections (the map that comes to mind first is the North Pole centered map, that easily shows the importance of Canada to US national ICBM defense). Thanks

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  11. Warzone Idle: suggestions for statistics level 5

    It would be great if the territory info page would show some army statistics before conquering: amount of armies that will be saved by hospitals and by joint strike (if available). And the total number of armies that will be saved on conquer.

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  12. Warzone Idle: show the remaining time to upgrade hospital

    During digging the percentage and remaining time is displayed to see the progress. It would be useful to also show the remaining time during upgrading the hospital.
    It's not necessary to change the UI. It would be enough to show the remaining time in a popup text when the user clicks/taps on the upgrade progressbar just like when we see a popup touching the army/money label on the top-right corner. And maybe this progressbar-popup would be useful in smelters/crafters as well.

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  13. Team bonus split

    Making option that will allow bonuses to be split amongst team members that occupy a complete bonus territory together.

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  14. Clan capacity

    Shouldnt an option of buying more member capacity for coins/ Purchasing an old clan be available?

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  15. Receiving all your enemy's territories, men, gold and cards when you kill his commander

    In games with a commander, It would be nice to have an option to allow one player to automatically receive all territories, men, gold, and cards from the enemy he defeats

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  16. Warzone Idle: Additional Statistics Upgrades

    Add to current or increase Statistics Upgrade levels:

    Items that would be of interest:
    Level Stats: Session duration played on each level, preferred each time.
    Level Stats: Estimated AP per day based on new AP value and previous session duration.
    Mine Stats: Profit per second.
    Mine Stats: Upgrading profit per second increase.
    Mine Stats: Session duration required to self pay off upgrade.
    Recipe Stats: Quantity required, including within recipes.
    Recipe Stats: How many currently owned.
    Crafting Stats: How many items could be crafted and sustained based on current smelters.
    Crafting Stats: How many items could be crafted and sustained based…

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  17. Delete a chat you made.

    Please, please, please, make there an option to delete a previous chat you posted. NOT too far back because then people would delete their NAP agreements and say "i never agreed to peace." Just the chats that you posted in the current turn. You have no idea how many games I messed up all because I posted a chat that was supposed to be private into the public chat.

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  18. Remove the "Are you sure you don't want to attack window"

    Every time you are about to commit without attacking a popup window comes up saying "Are you sure you don't want to attack this turn".

    Please give us the option not to have that window show up.

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  19. Armies-per-turn display in the game aftermatch

    the army-per-turn income would be a better indicator of the game struggle, in addition to, or instead of the number of armies, .

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  20. Count orders.

    if I want to plan an attack together with my teammates, the order of the attacks is usually very important. That is why it is often necessary to count which move it is. For example, when I have 30-40 moves, it's very annoying.

    it would be great if the commands were automatically counted and a number on the left shows which move it is

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